Here are the results of last Saturday's show, our debut in Zedelgem:
The students opened the show with a training routine.
After the routine, they called out our BWS Tag Team Champions Black COBRA and Joey D and thanked them for their hard work and dedication over the years.
Thanks to everyone that came to the show. We hope you enjoyed our first showing and are working on a return to Zedelgem! But first, see you on June 18 in Gistel!
These are the results for our debut show in Cuesmes:
The students opened the show with a training routine.
Thanks to the fans that came to watch the show. We will see each other again on April 16 in Zedelgem!
Ring announcer Jack Flash welcomed a capacity crowd as the show got underway.
After a student routine, Salvatore Bellomo asked Levi and Vincent to stay in the ring for a surprise match. The Extreme Aggressors answered the call!
After the match, BCWF Tag Team Champions Oger & Fury came to the ring to challenge the new champions for a match next time in Torhout. Black COBRA & Joey D accepted!
See you all this Saturday, in Cuesmes!
Ring announcers Jack Flash and Julie welcomed the crowd as our debut show in Ottignies got underway.
After a student routine, Salvatore Bellomo asked Fabrice and Michael to stay in the ring, for a surprise match. They would face? The Extreme Aggressors!
All of us at BCWF would like to thank the big, vocal crowd on hand for a great show. We couldn?t have asked for a better reception, and we hope to see you all back when we return to Ottignies!
Some special news will be up on the site soon, so keep checking back!
BWS/BCWF returned to Hornu for a big Halloween special!