Here are the results of our first show in Namur:
The BWS students gave it their all in a student routine.
Thanks to those who came to the show. See you again on September 3 in Torhout!
Here are the results of our weekend at the coast:
August 6, Ostend:
The students showed the crowd how they train in a student routine.
August 7, Blankenberge, open air:
See you next time, on August 20 in Namur and on September 3 in Torhout!
Here are the results of our big show in Charleroi:
The students showed the crowd how they train in a student routine.
Thanks to everyone that came to watch the show. We will see you again on August 6 in Oostende and on August 7 in Blankenberge!
Here are the results of our action packed debut in Gistel:
The students showed the crowd what they learned at the BWS schools.
Thanks to everyone that came to watch the show. We will see you again on July 9 in Charleroi!
Here are the results of last Saturday's show, our debut in Maubray:
The show opened with all of the wrestlers, students and staff coming to the ring for a minute of silence in honor of Loulou, Pakito's mom.
After the routine, Mr. Bellomo asked Pakito to stay in the ring.
Thanks to everyone that came to the show. See you this Sunday in Feuchy, for our big water show!