Lieu : Catch ICWA. Le 14 septembre 2013. Rouvroy, France.
A l'issue du gala, Salvatore Bellomo répond aux questions de Lionel Del Vala dans les vestiaires. Il est question de la subite alliance entre Bellomo et Dimitri "Rosto" Soliotopoulos, membre de la French Connection avec Booster. L'interview a lieu mais l'arrivée de Booster change la donne...
Carlito recently endorsed the Samoan Summer Camp, led by "Samoan Storm" Afa Jr. (WWE's Manu) and Mr. Salvatore Bellomo. Watch his message by clicking HERE!
We are very proud to announce that our president, Mr. Salvatore Bellomo, has been inducted into the WXW Hall of Fame! Click here to watch the video.